Uses of Interface

Packages that use HttpRequestOptions
org.jclouds.s3.options This package contains request options for S3 REST commands. 

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in org.jclouds.atmos.options

Classes in org.jclouds.atmos.options that implement HttpRequestOptions
 class PutOptions
          Contains options supported in the REST API for the PUT operations.

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in

Classes in that implement HttpRequestOptions
 class AWSDescribeImagesOptions
          Extra options only available in Amazon's implementation
 class AWSRunInstancesOptions
          Contains options supported in the Form API for the RunInstances operation.
 class CreateSecurityGroupOptions
          Contains options supported in the Form API for the CreateSecurityGroup operation.
 class DescribeSpotPriceHistoryOptions
          Contains options supported in the Form API for the DescribeSpotPriceHistory operation.
 class RequestSpotInstancesOptions
          Contains options supported in the Form API for the RequestSpotInstances operation.

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in

Classes in that implement HttpRequestOptions
 class AWSS3PutObjectOptions
          Contains options supported in the AWS S3 REST API for the PUT object operation

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in

Classes in that implement HttpRequestOptions
 class CreateOptions
          Contains common options supported in the REST API for the Create operation.
 class ListOptions
          Options used to control paginated results (aka list commands).

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in org.jclouds.azureblob.options

Classes in org.jclouds.azureblob.options that implement HttpRequestOptions
 class CreateContainerOptions
          Contains options supported in the REST API for the Create Container operation.
 class ListBlobsOptions
          Contains options supported in the REST API for the List Blobs operation.

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in org.jclouds.blobstore

Methods in org.jclouds.blobstore with parameters of type HttpRequestOptions
 String TransientAsyncBlobStore.getFirstQueryOrNull(String string, HttpRequestOptions options)

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in org.jclouds.cloudfiles.options

Classes in org.jclouds.cloudfiles.options that implement HttpRequestOptions
 class ListCdnContainerOptions
          Contains options supported in the REST API for the GET CDN containers operation.

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in org.jclouds.cloudstack.options

Classes in org.jclouds.cloudstack.options that implement HttpRequestOptions
 class AccountInDomainOptions
          Options for services that apply to accounts in domains
 class AddClusterOptions
          Options to the GlobalHostClient.addHost() API call
 class AddHostOptions
          Options to the GlobalHostClient.addHost() API call
 class AddSecondaryStorageOptions
          Options for the GlobalHostClient.addSecondaryStorage() API call
 class AssociateIPAddressOptions
          Options used to acquire and associate a public IP to an account.
 class CreateAccountOptions
          Optional fields for account creation
 class CreateDiskOfferingOptions
          Options to control how disk offerings are created
 class CreateDomainOptions
          Options used to control how a domain is created
 class CreateFirewallRuleOptions
          Options used to control how a firewall rule is created
 class CreateIPForwardingRuleOptions
          Options used to create an ip forwarding rule
 class CreateLoadBalancerRuleOptions
          Options used to control what load balancer rules are returned
 class CreateNetworkOptions
          Optional fields for network creation
 class CreatePodOptions
          Options to the GlobalPodClient.createPod API call.
 class CreateServiceOfferingOptions
          Options to control how service offerings are created
 class CreateTemplateOptions
          Options used to control how a template is created.
 class CreateUserOptions
          Optional fields for user creation
 class CreateVlanIPRangeOptions
          Options to the createVlanIPRange API call.
 class CreateVMGroupOptions
          Options used to control options for creating a VM group
 class CreateZoneOptions
          Options used to control how a zone is created
 class DeleteHostOptions
          Options to the GlobalHostClient.deleteHost() API call
 class DeleteISOOptions
          Options for the ISO deleteISO method.
 class DeleteTemplateOptions
          Options used to control how a template is created.
 class DeployVirtualMachineOptions
          Options used to control what disk offerings are returned
 class ExtractISOOptions
          Options for the ISO extractISO method.
 class ExtractTemplateOptions
 class GenerateUsageRecordsOptions
          Options to the GlobalUsageClient.generateUsageOptions() API call
 class ListAccountsOptions
          Options used to control what account information is returned
 class ListAlertsOptions
          Options to the listAlerts command.
 class ListAsyncJobsOptions
          Options used to control what asyncJobs information is returned
 class ListCapacityOptions
          Options to the listCapacity command.
 class ListClustersOptions
          Options used to control what cluster information is returned
 class ListConfigurationEntriesOptions
          Options used to control what configuration entries are returned
 class ListDiskOfferingsOptions
          Options used to control what disk offerings are returned
 class ListDomainChildrenOptions
          Options used to control what domain children are returned
 class ListDomainsOptions
          Options used to control what domains are returned
 class ListEventsOptions
          Options used to control what events are returned
 class ListFirewallRulesOptions
          Options used to control what firewall rules are returned
 class ListHostsOptions
          Options used to control what hosts information is returned
 class ListIPForwardingRulesOptions
          Options used to control what ip forwarding rules are returned
 class ListISOsOptions
          Options for the ISO listISOs method.
 class ListLoadBalancerRulesOptions
          Options used to control what load balancer rules are returned
 class ListNetworkOfferingsOptions
          Options used to control what network offerings are returned
 class ListNetworksOptions
          Options used to control what networks information is returned
 class ListOSTypesOptions
          Options used to control what OSType information is returned
 class ListPodsOptions
          Options to the GlobalPodClient.listPods API call.
 class ListPortForwardingRulesOptions
          Options used to control what port forwarding rules are returned
 class ListPublicIPAddressesOptions
          Options used to control what ip addresss information is returned
 class ListResourceLimitsOptions
 class ListSecurityGroupsOptions
          Options used to control what security groups are returned
 class ListServiceOfferingsOptions
          Options used to control what service offerings are returned
 class ListSnapshotPoliciesOptions
          Options for the Snapshot listSnapshotPolicies method.
 class ListSnapshotsOptions
          Options for the Snapshot listSnapshots method.
 class ListSSHKeyPairsOptions
 class ListStoragePoolsOptions
          Options to the GlobalStoragePools[Async]Client.listStoragePools API call
 class ListTemplatesOptions
          Options used to control what templates information is returned
 class ListUsageRecordsOptions
          Options to the GlobalUsageClient.listUsageOptions() API call
 class ListUsersOptions
          Options used to control what user information is returned
 class ListVirtualMachinesOptions
          Options used to control what virtual machines information is returned
 class ListVlanIPRangesOptions
          Options to the listVLANIPRanges() API call
 class ListVMGroupsOptions
          Options used to control what VMGroups information is returned
 class ListVolumesOptions
          Options used to control what volume
 class ListZonesOptions
          Options used to control what zones information is returned
 class RegisterISOOptions
          Options for the ISO registerISO method.
 class RegisterTemplateOptions
          Options used to control how a template is registered.
 class UpdateAccountOptions
          Optional arguments for updating an Account
 class UpdateClusterOptions
          Options for the GlobalHostClient.updateCluster() API call.
 class UpdateDiskOfferingOptions
          Options to control how disk offerings are created
 class UpdateDomainOptions
          Options used to control how a domain is created
 class UpdateHostOptions
          Options to the GlobalHostClient.addHost() API call
 class UpdateISOOptions
          Options for the ISO updateISO method.
 class UpdateISOPermissionsOptions
          Options for the ISO updateISOPermissions method.
 class UpdateLoadBalancerRuleOptions
          Options used to control how a load balancer rule is updated
 class UpdateNetworkOfferingOptions
          Options to control how network offerings are created
 class UpdatePodOptions
          Options to the GlobalPodClient.updatePod API call.
 class UpdateServiceOfferingOptions
          Options to control how service offerings are created
 class UpdateTemplateOptions
          Options used to control how a template should be updated.
 class UpdateTemplatePermissionsOptions
          Options used to control how a template should be updated.
 class UpdateUserOptions
          Optional arguments for updating an User
 class UpdateVMGroupOptions
          Options used to control updates to VMGroups
 class UpdateZoneOptions
          Options used to control how a zone is updated

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in org.jclouds.cloudwatch.options

Classes in org.jclouds.cloudwatch.options that implement HttpRequestOptions
 class GetMetricStatisticsOptions
          Options used to control metric statistics are returned

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in org.jclouds.deltacloud.options

Classes in org.jclouds.deltacloud.options that implement HttpRequestOptions
 class CreateInstanceOptions
          Contains options supported in the Deltacloud API for the Create Instance operation.

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in org.jclouds.ec2.options

Classes in org.jclouds.ec2.options that implement HttpRequestOptions
 class BundleInstanceS3StorageOptions
          Contains options supported in the Form API for the RegisterImage operation.
 class CreateImageOptions
          Contains options supported in the Form API for the CreateImage operation.
 class CreateSnapshotOptions
          Contains options supported in the Form API for the CreateSnapshot operation.
 class DescribeAvailabilityZonesOptions
          Contains options supported in the Form API for the DescribeAvailabilityZones operation.
 class DescribeImagesOptions
          Contains options supported in the Form API for the DescribeImages operation.
 class DescribeRegionsOptions
          Contains options supported in the Form API for the DescribeRegions operation.
 class DescribeSnapshotsOptions
          Contains options supported in the Form API for the DescribeSnapshots operation.
 class DetachVolumeOptions
          Contains options supported in the Form API for the DetachVolume operation.
 class RegisterImageBackedByEbsOptions
          Contains options supported in the Form API for the RegisterImage operation.
 class RegisterImageOptions
          Contains options supported in the Form API for the RegisterImage operation.
 class RunInstancesOptions
          Contains options supported in the Form API for the RunInstances operation.

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in org.jclouds.ec2.options.internal

Classes in org.jclouds.ec2.options.internal that implement HttpRequestOptions
 class BaseEC2RequestOptions

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in org.jclouds.filesystem

Methods in org.jclouds.filesystem with parameters of type HttpRequestOptions
 String FilesystemAsyncBlobStore.getFirstQueryOrNull(String string, HttpRequestOptions options)

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in org.jclouds.glesys.options

Classes in org.jclouds.glesys.options that implement HttpRequestOptions
 class AddDomainOptions
 class AddRecordOptions
 class CloneServerOptions
 class DestroyServerOptions
 class DomainOptions
 class EditAccountOptions
 class EditRecordOptions
 class EditServerOptions
 class ServerStatusOptions

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in org.jclouds.gogrid.options

Classes in org.jclouds.gogrid.options that implement HttpRequestOptions
 class AddLoadBalancerOptions
          Optional parameters for adding a load balancer.
 class AddServerOptions
 class GetImageListOptions
 class GetIpListOptions
 class GetJobListOptions
 class GetServerListOptions

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in org.jclouds.hpcloud.objectstorage.lvs.options

Classes in org.jclouds.hpcloud.objectstorage.lvs.options that implement HttpRequestOptions
 class ListCDNContainerOptions
          Contains options supported in the REST API for the GET CDN containers operation.

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in org.jclouds.http.options

Classes in org.jclouds.http.options that implement HttpRequestOptions
 class BaseHttpRequestOptions
 class GetOptions
          Contains options supported for HTTP GET operations.

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in org.jclouds.openstack.options

Classes in org.jclouds.openstack.options that implement HttpRequestOptions
 class BaseListOptions
          Options used to control paginated results (aka list commands).

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in org.jclouds.openstack.swift.options

Classes in org.jclouds.openstack.swift.options that implement HttpRequestOptions
 class ListContainerOptions
          Contains options supported in the REST API for the GET container operation.

Uses of HttpRequestOptions in org.jclouds.s3.options

Classes in org.jclouds.s3.options that implement HttpRequestOptions
 class CopyObjectOptions
          Contains options supported in the REST API for the COPY object operation.
 class ListBucketOptions
          Contains options supported in the REST API for the GET bucket operation.
 class PutBucketOptions
          Contains options supported in the REST API for the PUT bucket operation.
 class PutObjectOptions
          Contains options supported in the REST API for the PUT object operation.

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