Class | Description |
AAAAData |
Corresponds to the binary representation of the
AAAA (Address) RData |
AAAAData.Builder | |
AData |
Corresponds to the binary representation of the
A (Address) RData |
AData.Builder | |
Corresponds to the binary representation of the
CNAME (Canonical Name) RData |
CNAMEData.Builder | |
MXData |
Corresponds to the binary representation of the
MX (Mail Exchange)
RData |
MXData.Builder | |
NSData |
Corresponds to the binary representation of the
NS (Name Server) RData |
NSData.Builder | |
PTRData |
Corresponds to the binary representation of the
PTR (Pointer) RData |
PTRData.Builder | |
SOAData |
Corresponds to the binary representation of the
SOA (Start of Authority) RData |
SOAData.Builder | |
SPFData |
Corresponds to the binary representation of the
SPF (Sender Policy
Framework) RData |
SRVData |
Corresponds to the binary representation of the
SRV (Service) RData |
SRVData.Builder | |
Corresponds to the binary representation of the
Fingerprint) RData |
SSHFPData.Builder | |
TXTData |
Corresponds to the binary representation of the
TXT (Text) RData |
TXTData.Builder |
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