Uses of Interface

Packages that use Task

Uses of Task in org.jclouds.vcloud

Methods in org.jclouds.vcloud that return Task
 Task TaskInErrorStateException.getTask()
 Task TaskStillRunningException.getTask()

Constructors in org.jclouds.vcloud with parameters of type Task
TaskInErrorStateException(Task task)
TaskStillRunningException(Task task)

Uses of Task in org.jclouds.vcloud.compute.strategy

Methods in org.jclouds.vcloud.compute.strategy that return Task
 Task InstantiateVAppTemplateWithGroupEncodedIntoNameThenCustomizeDeployAndPowerOn.updateCPUCountOfVm(Vm vm, int cpuCount)
 Task InstantiateVAppTemplateWithGroupEncodedIntoNameThenCustomizeDeployAndPowerOn.updateMemoryMBOfVm(Vm vm, int memoryInMB)
 Task InstantiateVAppTemplateWithGroupEncodedIntoNameThenCustomizeDeployAndPowerOn.updateVmWithNameAndCustomizationScript(Vm vm, String name, String customizationScript)
          Naming constraints modifying a VM on a VApp in vCloud Director (at least v1.5) can be more strict than those in a vAppTemplate.

Methods in org.jclouds.vcloud.compute.strategy with parameters of type Task
 void VCloudComputeServiceAdapter.waitForTask(Task task)
 void InstantiateVAppTemplateWithGroupEncodedIntoNameThenCustomizeDeployAndPowerOn.waitForTask(Task task)

Uses of Task in org.jclouds.vcloud.domain

Methods in org.jclouds.vcloud.domain that return types with arguments of type Task
 List<Task> VDC.getTasks()
          read‐only container for Task elements.
 SortedSet<Task> TasksList.getTasks()
 List<Task> Catalog.getTasks()
          read‐only container for Task elements.
 List<Task> VApp.getTasks()
          read‐only container for Task elements.
 List<Task> VAppTemplate.getTasks()
          read-only container for Task elements.
 List<Task> Org.getTasks()
          read‐only container for Task elements.
 List<Task> Vm.getTasks()
          read‐only container for Task elements.

Uses of Task in org.jclouds.vcloud.domain.internal

Methods in org.jclouds.vcloud.domain.internal that return types with arguments of type Task
 List<Task> VAppImpl.getTasks()
          read‐only container for Task elements.
 SortedSet<Task> TasksListImpl.getTasks()
 List<Task> VmImpl.getTasks()
          read‐only container for Task elements.
 List<Task> OrgImpl.getTasks()
 List<Task> VDCImpl.getTasks()
          read‐only container for Task elements.
 List<Task> CatalogImpl.getTasks()
          read‐only container for Task elements.
 List<Task> VAppTemplateImpl.getTasks()
          read-only container for Task elements.

Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.vcloud.domain.internal with type arguments of type Task
CatalogImpl(String name, String type, URI href, ReferenceType org, String description, Map<String,ReferenceType> contents, Iterable<Task> tasks, boolean published, boolean readOnly)
OrgImpl(String name, String type, URI id, String fullName, String description, Map<String,ReferenceType> catalogs, Map<String,ReferenceType> vdcs, Map<String,ReferenceType> networks, ReferenceType tasksList, Iterable<Task> tasks)
TasksListImpl(URI id, SortedSet<Task> tasks)
VAppImpl(String name, String type, URI id, Status status, ReferenceType vdc, String description, Iterable<Task> tasks, boolean ovfDescriptorUploaded, Iterable<Vm> children, VCloudNetworkSection networkSection)
VAppTemplateImpl(String name, String type, URI id, Status status, ReferenceType vdc, String description, Iterable<Task> tasks, boolean ovfDescriptorUploaded, String vAppScopedLocalId, Iterable<Vm> children, VCloudNetworkSection networkSection)
VDCImpl(String name, String type, URI id, VDCStatus status, ReferenceType org, String description, Iterable<Task> tasks, AllocationModel allocationModel, Capacity storageCapacity, Capacity cpuCapacity, Capacity memoryCapacity, Map<String,ReferenceType> resourceEntities, Map<String,ReferenceType> availableNetworks, int nicQuota, int networkQuota, int vmQuota, boolean isEnabled)
VmImpl(String name, String type, URI id, Status status, ReferenceType vApp, String description, Iterable<Task> tasks, VCloudVirtualHardwareSection hardware, VCloudOperatingSystemSection os, NetworkConnectionSection networkConnectionSection, GuestCustomizationSection guestCustomization, String vAppScopedLocalId)

Uses of Task in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Task
 List<Task> OrgNetwork.getTasks()
          read‐only container for Task elements.

Uses of Task in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Task
 List<Task> OrgNetworkImpl.getTasks()
          read‐only container for Task elements.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Task
OrgNetworkImpl(String name, String type, URI id, ReferenceType org, String description, Iterable<Task> tasks, OrgNetwork.Configuration configuration, ReferenceType networkPool, Iterable<String> allowedExternalIpAddresses)

Uses of Task in org.jclouds.vcloud.features

Methods in org.jclouds.vcloud.features that return Task
 Task VAppTemplateClient.copyVAppTemplateToVDCAndName(URI sourceVAppTemplate, URI vDC, String newName, CloneVAppTemplateOptions... options)
 Task VAppClient.copyVAppToVDCAndName(URI sourceVApp, URI vDC, String newName, CloneVAppOptions... options)
 Task VAppClient.deleteVApp(URI href)
          delete a vAppTemplate, vApp, or media image.
 Task VAppTemplateClient.deleteVAppTemplate(URI id)
          delete a vAppTemplate, vApp, or media image.
 Task VAppClient.deployAndPowerOnVApp(URI href)
          like VAppClient.deployVApp(URI), except deploy transistions to power on state
 Task VmClient.deployAndPowerOnVm(URI href)
          like #deploy(URI), except deploy transitions to power on state
 Task VAppClient.deployVApp(URI href)
          To deploy a vApp, the client makes a request to its action/deploy URL.
 Task VmClient.deployVm(URI href)
          To deploy a vApp, the client makes a request to its action/deploy URL.
 Task TaskClient.getTask(URI taskId)
          Whenever the result of a request cannot be returned immediately, the server creates a Task object and includes it in the response, as a member of the Tasks container in the response body.
 Task VAppTemplateClient.moveVAppTemplateToVDCAndRename(URI sourceVAppTemplate, URI vDC, String newName, CloneVAppTemplateOptions... options)
 Task VAppClient.moveVAppToVDCAndRename(URI sourceVApp, URI vDC, String newName, CloneVAppOptions... options)
 Task VAppClient.powerOffVApp(URI href)
          A powerOff request to a vApp URL powers off all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified in its StartupSection field.
 Task VmClient.powerOffVm(URI href)
          A powerOff request to a vApp URL powers off all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified in its StartupSection field.
 Task VAppClient.powerOnVApp(URI href)
          A powerOn request to a vApp URL powers on all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified in the vApp’s StartupSection field.
 Task VmClient.powerOnVm(URI href)
          A powerOn request to a vApp URL powers on all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified in the vApp’s StartupSection field.
 Task VAppClient.resetVApp(URI href)
          A reset request to a vApp URL resets all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified in its StartupSection field.
 Task VmClient.resetVm(URI href)
          A reset request to a vApp URL resets all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified in its StartupSection field.
 Task VAppClient.suspendVApp(URI href)
          A suspend request to a vApp URL suspends all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified in its StartupSection field.
 Task VmClient.suspendVm(URI href)
          A suspend request to a vApp URL suspends all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified in its StartupSection field.
 Task VAppClient.undeployAndSaveStateOfVApp(URI href)
          like VAppClient.undeployVApp(URI), where the undeployed virtual machines are suspended and their suspend state saved
 Task VmClient.undeployAndSaveStateOfVm(URI href)
          like #undeploy(URI), where the undeployed virtual machines are suspended and their suspend state saved
 Task VAppClient.undeployVApp(URI href)
          Undeploying a vApp powers off or suspends any running virtual machines it contains, then frees the resources reserved for the vApp and sets the vApp’s deploy attribute to a value of false to indicate that it is not deployed.
 Task VmClient.undeployVm(URI href)
          Undeploying a vApp powers off or suspends any running virtual machines it contains, then frees the resources reserved for the vApp and sets the vApp’s deploy attribute to a value of false to indicate that it is not deployed.
 Task VmClient.updateCPUCountOfVm(int cpuCount, URI href)
          update the cpuCount of an existing VM
 Task VmClient.updateGuestCustomizationOfVm(GuestCustomizationSection guestCustomizationSection, URI href)
          Modify the Guest Customization Section of a Virtual Machine
 Task VmClient.updateMemoryMBOfVm(int memoryInMB, URI href)
          update the memoryInMB of an existing VM
 Task VmClient.updateNetworkConnectionOfVm(NetworkConnectionSection guestCustomizationSection, URI href)
          Modify the Network Connection Section of a Virtual Machine

Methods in org.jclouds.vcloud.features that return types with arguments of type Task<Task> VAppTemplateAsyncClient.copyVAppTemplateToVDCAndName(URI sourceVAppTemplate, URI vdc, String newName, CloneVAppTemplateOptions... options)
   <Task> VAppAsyncClient.copyVAppToVDCAndName(URI sourceVApp, URI vdc, String newName, CloneVAppOptions... options)
   <Task> VAppAsyncClient.deleteVApp(URI href)
   <Task> VAppTemplateAsyncClient.deleteVAppTemplate(URI href)
   <Task> VAppAsyncClient.deployAndPowerOnVApp(URI href)
   <Task> VmAsyncClient.deployAndPowerOnVm(URI href)
   <Task> VAppAsyncClient.deployVApp(URI href)
   <Task> VmAsyncClient.deployVm(URI href)
   <Task> TaskAsyncClient.getTask(URI taskId)
   <Task> VAppTemplateAsyncClient.moveVAppTemplateToVDCAndRename(URI toClone, URI vdc, String newName, CloneVAppTemplateOptions... options)
   <Task> VAppAsyncClient.moveVAppToVDCAndRename(URI sourceVApp, URI vdc, String newName, CloneVAppOptions... options)
   <Task> VAppAsyncClient.powerOffVApp(URI href)
   <Task> VmAsyncClient.powerOffVm(URI href)
   <Task> VAppAsyncClient.powerOnVApp(URI href)
   <Task> VmAsyncClient.powerOnVm(URI href)
   <Task> VAppAsyncClient.resetVApp(URI href)
   <Task> VmAsyncClient.resetVm(URI href)
   <Task> VAppAsyncClient.suspendVApp(URI href)
   <Task> VmAsyncClient.suspendVm(URI href)
   <Task> VAppAsyncClient.undeployAndSaveStateOfVApp(URI href)
   <Task> VmAsyncClient.undeployAndSaveStateOfVm(URI href)
   <Task> VAppAsyncClient.undeployVApp(URI href)
   <Task> VmAsyncClient.undeployVm(URI href)
   <Task> VmAsyncClient.updateCPUCountOfVm(int cpuCount, URI href)
   <Task> VmAsyncClient.updateGuestCustomizationOfVm(GuestCustomizationSection guestCustomizationSection, URI href)
   <Task> VmAsyncClient.updateMemoryMBOfVm(int memoryInMB, URI href)
   <Task> VmAsyncClient.updateNetworkConnectionOfVm(NetworkConnectionSection networkConnectionSection, URI href)

Uses of Task in org.jclouds.vcloud.xml

Fields in org.jclouds.vcloud.xml with type parameters of type Task
protected  List<Task> CatalogHandler.tasks
protected  List<Task> OrgNetworkHandler.tasks
protected  List<Task> VAppTemplateHandler.tasks
protected  List<Task> VDCHandler.tasks
protected  List<Task> VmHandler.tasks
protected  List<Task> OrgHandler.tasks
protected  List<Task> VAppHandler.tasks

Methods in org.jclouds.vcloud.xml that return Task
 Task TaskHandler.getResult()

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