
Interface Summary
Binder Adds an payload to a request.
HttpAsyncClient Simple rest client
HttpClient Simple client
InvocationContext<I extends InvocationContext<I>> Passes generated Http request into this object;
MapBinder Builds the payload of a Post request.
RestContext<S,A> Represents an authenticated context to the cloud.

Class Summary
InputParamValidator Validates method parameters.
RestContextBuilder<S,A> Creates RestContext or Injector instances based on the most commonly requested arguments.
RestContextFactory Helper class to instantiate RestContext instances.

Exception Summary
AuthorizationException Thrown when there is an authorization error.
InsufficientResourcesException Thrown when there is a quota or otherwise limit preventing the operation from occurring.
ResourceNotFoundException Thrown when a resource cannot be located.

Annotation Types Summary
ConfiguresCredentialStore designates the module configures a Map<String, ? extends Credentials>
ConfiguresRestClient designates the module configures a Client to a cloud.
ConfiguresRestContext designates the module configures a Client to a cloud.

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