Uses of Task in org.jclouds.vcloud |
Methods in org.jclouds.vcloud that return Task | |
Task |
VCloudClient.cloneVAppInVDC(URI vDC,
URI toClone,
String newName,
CloneVAppOptions... options)
Deprecated. |
Task |
VCloudClient.deleteVApp(URI vAppId)
Deprecated. |
Task |
VCloudClient.deployAndPowerOnVAppOrVm(URI vAppOrVmId)
Deprecated. |
Task |
VCloudClient.deployVAppOrVm(URI vAppOrVmId)
Deprecated. |
Task |
VCloudClient.getTask(URI taskId)
Deprecated. |
Task |
VCloudClient.powerOffVAppOrVm(URI vAppOrVmId)
Deprecated. |
Task |
VCloudClient.powerOnVAppOrVm(URI vAppOrVmId)
Deprecated. |
Task |
VCloudClient.resetVAppOrVm(URI vAppOrVmId)
Deprecated. |
Task |
VCloudClient.suspendVAppOrVm(URI vAppOrVmId)
Deprecated. |
Task |
VCloudClient.undeployAndSaveStateOfVAppOrVm(URI vAppOrVmId)
Deprecated. |
Task |
VCloudClient.undeployVAppOrVm(URI vAppOrVmId)
Deprecated. |
Task |
VCloudClient.updateGuestCustomizationOfVm(URI vm,
GuestCustomizationSection guestCustomizationSection)
Deprecated. |
Task |
VCloudClient.updateNetworkConnectionOfVm(URI vm,
NetworkConnectionSection guestCustomizationSection)
Deprecated. |
Methods in org.jclouds.vcloud that return types with arguments of type Task | |
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VCloudAsyncClient.cloneVAppInVDC(URI vdc,
URI toClone,
String newName,
CloneVAppOptions... options)
Deprecated. |
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VCloudAsyncClient.deleteVApp(URI id)
Deprecated. |
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VCloudAsyncClient.deployAndPowerOnVAppOrVm(URI vAppOrVmId)
Deprecated. |
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VCloudAsyncClient.deployVAppOrVm(URI vAppOrVmId)
Deprecated. |
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VCloudAsyncClient.getTask(URI taskId)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VCloudAsyncClient.powerOffVAppOrVm(URI vAppOrVmId)
Deprecated. |
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VCloudAsyncClient.powerOnVAppOrVm(URI vAppOrVmId)
Deprecated. |
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VCloudAsyncClient.resetVAppOrVm(URI vAppOrVmId)
Deprecated. |
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VCloudAsyncClient.suspendVAppOrVm(URI vAppOrVmId)
Deprecated. |
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VCloudAsyncClient.undeployAndSaveStateOfVAppOrVm(URI vAppOrVmId)
Deprecated. |
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VCloudAsyncClient.undeployVAppOrVm(URI vAppOrVmId)
Deprecated. |
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VCloudAsyncClient.updateGuestCustomizationOfVm(URI vm,
GuestCustomizationSection guestCustomizationSection)
Deprecated. |
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VCloudAsyncClient.updateNetworkConnectionOfVm(URI vm,
NetworkConnectionSection networkConnectionSection)
Deprecated. |
Uses of Task in org.jclouds.vcloud.compute.strategy |
Methods in org.jclouds.vcloud.compute.strategy that return Task | |
Task |
InstantiateVAppTemplateWithGroupEncodedIntoNameThenCustomizeDeployAndPowerOn.updateCPUCountOfVm(Vm vm,
int cpuCount)
Task |
InstantiateVAppTemplateWithGroupEncodedIntoNameThenCustomizeDeployAndPowerOn.updateMemoryMBOfVm(Vm vm,
int memoryInMB)
Task |
InstantiateVAppTemplateWithGroupEncodedIntoNameThenCustomizeDeployAndPowerOn.updateVmWithCustomizationScript(Vm vm,
String customizationScript)
Task |
InstantiateVAppTemplateWithGroupEncodedIntoNameThenCustomizeDeployAndPowerOn.updateVmWithIpAddressAllocationMode(Vm vm,
IpAddressAllocationMode ipAddressAllocationMode)
Methods in org.jclouds.vcloud.compute.strategy with parameters of type Task | |
void |
VCloudDestroyNodeStrategy.waitForTask(Task task,
VApp vAppResponse)
void |
InstantiateVAppTemplateWithGroupEncodedIntoNameThenCustomizeDeployAndPowerOn.waitForTask(Task task,
VApp vAppResponse)
Uses of Task in org.jclouds.vcloud.domain |
Methods in org.jclouds.vcloud.domain that return types with arguments of type Task | |
List<Task> |
read‐only container for Task elements. |
List<Task> |
read‐only container for Task elements. |
List<Task> |
read-only container for Task elements. |
SortedSet<Task> |
List<Task> |
read‐only container for Task elements. |
List<Task> |
read‐only container for Task elements. |
List<Task> |
read‐only container for Task elements. |
Uses of Task in org.jclouds.vcloud.domain.internal |
Methods in org.jclouds.vcloud.domain.internal that return types with arguments of type Task | |
List<Task> |
read‐only container for Task elements. |
List<Task> |
read‐only container for Task elements. |
SortedSet<Task> |
List<Task> |
read-only container for Task elements. |
List<Task> |
read‐only container for Task elements. |
List<Task> |
List<Task> |
read‐only container for Task elements. |
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.vcloud.domain.internal with type arguments of type Task | |
CatalogImpl(String name,
String type,
URI href,
ReferenceType org,
String description,
Map<String,ReferenceType> contents,
Iterable<Task> tasks,
boolean published,
boolean readOnly)
OrgImpl(String name,
String type,
URI id,
String fullName,
String description,
Map<String,ReferenceType> catalogs,
Map<String,ReferenceType> vdcs,
Map<String,ReferenceType> networks,
ReferenceType tasksList,
Iterable<Task> tasks)
TasksListImpl(URI id,
SortedSet<Task> tasks)
VAppImpl(String name,
String type,
URI id,
Status status,
ReferenceType vdc,
String description,
Iterable<Task> tasks,
boolean ovfDescriptorUploaded,
Iterable<? extends Vm> children)
VAppTemplateImpl(String name,
String type,
URI id,
Status status,
ReferenceType vdc,
String description,
Iterable<Task> tasks,
boolean ovfDescriptorUploaded,
String vAppScopedLocalId,
Iterable<? extends Vm> children,
VCloudNetworkSection networkSection)
VDCImpl(String name,
String type,
URI id,
VDCStatus status,
ReferenceType org,
String description,
Iterable<Task> tasks,
AllocationModel allocationModel,
Capacity storageCapacity,
Capacity cpuCapacity,
Capacity memoryCapacity,
Map<String,ReferenceType> resourceEntities,
Map<String,ReferenceType> availableNetworks,
int nicQuota,
int networkQuota,
int vmQuota,
boolean isEnabled)
VmImpl(String name,
String type,
URI id,
Status status,
ReferenceType vApp,
String description,
Iterable<Task> tasks,
VCloudVirtualHardwareSection hardware,
VCloudOperatingSystemSection os,
NetworkConnectionSection networkConnectionSection,
GuestCustomizationSection guestCustomization,
String vAppScopedLocalId)
Uses of Task in org.jclouds.vcloud.domain.network |
Methods in org.jclouds.vcloud.domain.network that return types with arguments of type Task | |
List<Task> |
read‐only container for Task elements. |
Uses of Task in org.jclouds.vcloud.domain.network.internal |
Methods in org.jclouds.vcloud.domain.network.internal that return types with arguments of type Task | |
List<Task> |
read‐only container for Task elements. |
Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.vcloud.domain.network.internal with type arguments of type Task | |
OrgNetworkImpl(String name,
String type,
URI id,
ReferenceType org,
String description,
Iterable<Task> tasks,
OrgNetwork.Configuration configuration,
ReferenceType networkPool,
Iterable<String> allowedExternalIpAddresses)
Uses of Task in org.jclouds.vcloud.features |
Methods in org.jclouds.vcloud.features that return Task | |
Task |
VAppTemplateClient.copyVAppTemplateToVDCAndName(URI sourceVAppTemplate,
String newName,
CloneVAppTemplateOptions... options)
Task |
VAppClient.copyVAppToVDCAndName(URI sourceVApp,
String newName,
CloneVAppOptions... options)
Task |
VAppClient.deleteVApp(URI href)
delete a vAppTemplate, vApp, or media image. |
Task |
VAppTemplateClient.deleteVAppTemplate(URI id)
delete a vAppTemplate, vApp, or media image. |
Task |
VAppClient.deployAndPowerOnVApp(URI href)
like VAppClient.deployVApp(URI) , except deploy transistions to power on state |
Task |
VmClient.deployAndPowerOnVm(URI href)
like #deploy(URI) , except deploy transitions to power on state |
Task |
VAppClient.deployVApp(URI href)
To deploy a vApp, the client makes a request to its action/deploy URL. |
Task |
VmClient.deployVm(URI href)
To deploy a vApp, the client makes a request to its action/deploy URL. |
Task |
TaskClient.getTask(URI taskId)
Whenever the result of a request cannot be returned immediately, the server creates a Task object and includes it in the response, as a member of the Tasks container in the response body. |
Task |
VAppTemplateClient.moveVAppTemplateToVDCAndRename(URI sourceVAppTemplate,
String newName,
CloneVAppTemplateOptions... options)
Task |
VAppClient.moveVAppToVDCAndRename(URI sourceVApp,
String newName,
CloneVAppOptions... options)
Task |
VAppClient.powerOffVApp(URI href)
A powerOff request to a vApp URL powers off all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified in its StartupSection field. |
Task |
VmClient.powerOffVm(URI href)
A powerOff request to a vApp URL powers off all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified in its StartupSection field. |
Task |
VAppClient.powerOnVApp(URI href)
A powerOn request to a vApp URL powers on all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified in the vApp’s StartupSection field. |
Task |
VmClient.powerOnVm(URI href)
A powerOn request to a vApp URL powers on all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified in the vApp’s StartupSection field. |
Task |
VAppClient.resetVApp(URI href)
A reset request to a vApp URL resets all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified in its StartupSection field. |
Task |
VmClient.resetVm(URI href)
A reset request to a vApp URL resets all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified in its StartupSection field. |
Task |
VAppClient.suspendVApp(URI href)
A suspend request to a vApp URL suspends all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified in its StartupSection field. |
Task |
VmClient.suspendVm(URI href)
A suspend request to a vApp URL suspends all of the virtual machines in the vApp, as specified in its StartupSection field. |
Task |
VAppClient.undeployAndSaveStateOfVApp(URI href)
like VAppClient.undeployVApp(URI) , where the undeployed virtual machines are suspended and their
suspend state saved |
Task |
VmClient.undeployAndSaveStateOfVm(URI href)
like #undeploy(URI) , where the undeployed virtual machines are suspended and their
suspend state saved |
Task |
VAppClient.undeployVApp(URI href)
Undeploying a vApp powers off or suspends any running virtual machines it contains, then frees the resources reserved for the vApp and sets the vApp’s deploy attribute to a value of false to indicate that it is not deployed. |
Task |
VmClient.undeployVm(URI href)
Undeploying a vApp powers off or suspends any running virtual machines it contains, then frees the resources reserved for the vApp and sets the vApp’s deploy attribute to a value of false to indicate that it is not deployed. |
Task |
VmClient.updateCPUCountOfVm(int cpuCount,
URI href)
update the cpuCount of an existing VM |
Task |
VmClient.updateGuestCustomizationOfVm(GuestCustomizationSection guestCustomizationSection,
URI href)
Modify the Guest Customization Section of a Virtual Machine |
Task |
VmClient.updateMemoryMBOfVm(int memoryInMB,
URI href)
update the memoryInMB of an existing VM |
Task |
VmClient.updateNetworkConnectionOfVm(NetworkConnectionSection guestCustomizationSection,
URI href)
Modify the Network Connection Section of a Virtual Machine |
Methods in org.jclouds.vcloud.features that return types with arguments of type Task | |
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VAppTemplateAsyncClient.copyVAppTemplateToVDCAndName(URI sourceVAppTemplate,
URI vdc,
String newName,
CloneVAppTemplateOptions... options)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VAppAsyncClient.copyVAppToVDCAndName(URI sourceVApp,
URI vdc,
String newName,
CloneVAppOptions... options)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VAppAsyncClient.deleteVApp(URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VAppTemplateAsyncClient.deleteVAppTemplate(URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VAppAsyncClient.deployAndPowerOnVApp(URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VmAsyncClient.deployAndPowerOnVm(URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VAppAsyncClient.deployVApp(URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VmAsyncClient.deployVm(URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
TaskAsyncClient.getTask(URI taskId)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VAppTemplateAsyncClient.moveVAppTemplateToVDCAndRename(URI toClone,
URI vdc,
String newName,
CloneVAppTemplateOptions... options)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VAppAsyncClient.moveVAppToVDCAndRename(URI sourceVApp,
URI vdc,
String newName,
CloneVAppOptions... options)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VAppAsyncClient.powerOffVApp(URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VmAsyncClient.powerOffVm(URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VAppAsyncClient.powerOnVApp(URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VmAsyncClient.powerOnVm(URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VAppAsyncClient.resetVApp(URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VmAsyncClient.resetVm(URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VAppAsyncClient.suspendVApp(URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VmAsyncClient.suspendVm(URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VAppAsyncClient.undeployAndSaveStateOfVApp(URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VmAsyncClient.undeployAndSaveStateOfVm(URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VAppAsyncClient.undeployVApp(URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VmAsyncClient.undeployVm(URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VmAsyncClient.updateCPUCountOfVm(int cpuCount,
URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VmAsyncClient.updateGuestCustomizationOfVm(GuestCustomizationSection guestCustomizationSection,
URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VmAsyncClient.updateMemoryMBOfVm(int memoryInMB,
URI href)
com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture<? extends Task> |
VmAsyncClient.updateNetworkConnectionOfVm(NetworkConnectionSection networkConnectionSection,
URI href)
Uses of Task in org.jclouds.vcloud.xml |
Fields in org.jclouds.vcloud.xml with type parameters of type Task | |
protected List<Task> |
protected List<Task> |
protected List<Task> |
protected List<Task> |
protected List<Task> |
protected List<Task> |
protected List<Task> |
Methods in org.jclouds.vcloud.xml that return Task | |
Task |