Uses of Interface

Packages that use Resource

Uses of Resource in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc

Methods in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc that return types with arguments of type Resource
 Set<Resource> VPDCAsyncClient.listOrgs()
 Set<Resource> VPDCClient.listOrgs()

Uses of Resource in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc.config

Methods in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc.config that return types with arguments of type Resource
protected  Set<Resource> VPDCRestClientModule.provideOrgs(<VCloudSession> cache, String user)

Method parameters in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc.config with type arguments of type Resource
protected  String VPDCRestClientModule.provideDefaultOrgId(Set<Resource> orgs)

Uses of Resource in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc.domain

Classes in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc.domain that implement Resource
 class FirewallRule
          API returns a firewall rule in a firewall service
 class FirewallService
          API returns the firewall service containing firewall rules for a given VDC
 class Link
          Location of a Rest resource
 class Network
          Various network features such NAT Public IP, Gateway and Netmask.
 class Org
          A cloud can contain one or more Organizations.
 class ResourceImpl
          Location of a Rest resource
 class Task
          The result of a client request cannot be returned immediately, the server creates a task entity and returns its URL to the client.
 class VDC
          VDC is a virtual data center ,the API returns a list of VAPPs own by given bill site Id.
 class VM
          A virtual application (vApp) is a software solution, packaged in OVF containing one or more virtual machines.

Methods in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc.domain that return Resource
 Resource Task.getOwner()
          A link to the object that owns the task.
 Resource Task.getResult()
          Result is represent outcome of request url.

Methods in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc.domain that return types with arguments of type Resource
 Set<Resource> VDC.getAvailableNetworks()
 Set<Resource> VDC.getResourceEntities()

Methods in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc.domain with parameters of type Resource
 VDC.Builder VDC.Builder.availableNetwork(Resource availableNetwork)
 int VM.compareTo(Resource that)
 int Resource.compareTo(Resource that)
 int ResourceImpl.compareTo(Resource that)
 Task.Builder Task.Builder.owner(Resource owner)
 VDC.Builder VDC.Builder.resourceEntity(Resource resourceEntity)
 Task.Builder Task.Builder.result(Resource result)

Method parameters in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc.domain with type arguments of type Resource
 VDC.Builder VDC.Builder.availableNetworks(Set<Resource> availableNetworks)
 VDC.Builder VDC.Builder.resourceEntities(Set<Resource> resourceEntities)

Constructors in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc.domain with parameters of type Resource
Task(String id, String name, String type, URI href, Task.Status status, Date startTime, Date endTime, Resource result, Resource owner, TaskError error)

Constructor parameters in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc.domain with type arguments of type Resource
VDC(String id, String name, String type, URI href, String description, VDC.Status status, Set<Resource> resourceEntities, Set<Resource> availableNetworks)
VDC(String id, String name, String type, URI href, String description, VDC.Status status, Set<Resource> resourceEntities, Set<Resource> availableNetworks)

Uses of Resource in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc.domain.internal

Methods in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc.domain.internal that return types with arguments of type Resource
 Set<Resource> VCloudSession.getOrgs()

Uses of Resource in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc.util

Methods in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc.util that return Resource
static Resource Utils.newResource(Map<String,String> attributes)
static Resource Utils.newResource(Map<String,String> attributes, String defaultType)

Uses of Resource in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc.xml

Methods in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc.xml that return types with arguments of type Resource
 Set<Resource> OrgListHandler.getResult()

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