
Class Summary

Annotation Types Summary
Api Designates that this Resource qualifies an object to an api.
ApiVersion Designates that this Resource qualifies an object to an api version.
BinderParam Designates that this parameter will modify the request, possibly including adding an payload to it.
Credential Designates that this Resource qualifies an object to a key on a provider.
Delegate Designates that this method returns a rest client
Endpoint Designates that this Resource expects virtual host style requests
EndpointParam Extracts the endpoint of a parameter from an object.
ExceptionParser Shows the transformer type used to parse values out of acceptable exceptions.
FormParams Designates that a url encoded form will be added to the request.
Headers Designates that a header will be added to the request.
Identity Designates that this Resource qualifies an object to an identity on a provider.
MapBinder Designates that this parameter will hold the payload for a PUT or POST command.
MatrixParams Designates that a matrix param will be added to the request.
OnlyElement Extracts the only element of a collection or null
OverrideRequestFilters Do not accept filters that were passed from the type.
ParamParser Extracts the value of a parameter from an object.
ParamValidators Marks the validation for method/parameter value(s).
PartParam Designates that this parameter will be bound to a multipart form.
Payload Designates that this parameter will hold the payload for a PUT or POST command.
PayloadParam Designates that this parameter will hold the payload for a PUT or POST command.
PayloadParams Designates that default parameters will be added a map that builds the request entity.
QueryParams Designates that a query will be added to the request.
RequestFilters Filters that should be applied to the request
ResponseParser Shows the transformer type used to parse the HttpResponse
SelectJson Selects a name in a json structure as opposed to parsing from root.
SkipEncoding Designates we should not encode the following parameters
Unwrap Unwraps the only value in a nested json reponse ex.
VirtualHost Designates that this Resource expects virtual host style requests
WrapWith Wraps the payload in json nested one level deep, relating to the value parameter.
XMLResponseParser Shows the transformer type used to parse XML in a HttpResponse

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