Uses of Class

Packages that use Timeout
org.jclouds.cloudfiles This package contains an Rackspace Cloud Files client implemented by HttpCommandExecutorService commands. 
org.jclouds.s3 This package contains an Amazon S3 client implemented by HttpCommandExecutorService commands. 

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.atmos

Classes in org.jclouds.atmos with annotations of type Timeout
 interface AtmosClient
          Provides access to EMC Atmos Online Storage resources via their REST API.

Methods in org.jclouds.atmos with annotations of type Timeout
 URI AtmosClient.createFile(String parent, AtmosObject object, PutOptions... options)
 AtmosObject AtmosClient.readFile(String path, GetOptions... options)
 void AtmosClient.updateFile(String parent, AtmosObject object, PutOptions... options)

Uses of Timeout in

Classes in with annotations of type Timeout
 interface AWSEC2Client
          Provides synchronous access to EC2 services.

Uses of Timeout in

Classes in with annotations of type Timeout
 interface AWSAMIClient
          Provides access to EC2 via their REST API.
 interface AWSInstanceClient
          Provides access to EC2 via their REST API.
 interface AWSKeyPairClient
 interface AWSSecurityGroupClient
          Provides access to EC2 via their REST API.
 interface MonitoringClient
          Provides monitoring services for EC2.
 interface PlacementGroupClient
          Provides Placement Group services for EC2.
 interface SpotInstanceClient
          Provides Spot Instance services for EC2.
 interface TagClient
          Provides Tag services for EC2.

Methods in with annotations of type Timeout
 Set<Spot> SpotInstanceClient.describeSpotPriceHistoryInRegion(String region, DescribeSpotPriceHistoryOptions... options)
          Describes Spot Price history.

Uses of Timeout in

Classes in with annotations of type Timeout
 interface AWSS3Client
          Provides access to amazon-specific S3 features

Methods in with annotations of type Timeout
 String AWSS3Client.uploadPart(String bucketName, String key, int partNumber, String uploadId, Payload part)
          This operation uploads a part in a multipart upload.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.azureblob

Classes in org.jclouds.azureblob with annotations of type Timeout
 interface AzureBlobClient
          Provides access to Azure Blob via their REST API.

Methods in org.jclouds.azureblob with annotations of type Timeout
 AzureBlob AzureBlobClient.getBlob(String container, String name, GetOptions... options)
          The Get Blob operation reads or downloads a blob from the system, including its metadata and properties.
 ListBlobsResponse AzureBlobClient.listBlobs(ListBlobsOptions... options)
 ListBlobsResponse AzureBlobClient.listBlobs(String container, ListBlobsOptions... options)
          The List Blobs operation enumerates the list of blobs under the specified container.
 String AzureBlobClient.putBlob(String container, AzureBlob object)
          The Put Blob operation creates a new blob or updates the content of an existing blob.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.cloudfiles

Classes in org.jclouds.cloudfiles with annotations of type Timeout
 interface CloudFilesClient
          Provides access to Cloud Files via their REST API.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.cloudloadbalancers

Classes in org.jclouds.cloudloadbalancers with annotations of type Timeout
 interface CloudLoadBalancersClient
          Provides synchronous access to CloudLoadBalancers.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.cloudloadbalancers.features

Classes in org.jclouds.cloudloadbalancers.features with annotations of type Timeout
 interface LoadBalancerClient
          Provides synchronous access to CloudLoadBalancers LoadBalancer features.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.cloudservers

Classes in org.jclouds.cloudservers with annotations of type Timeout
 interface CloudServersClient
          Provides access to Cloud Servers via their REST API.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.cloudsigma

Classes in org.jclouds.cloudsigma with annotations of type Timeout
 interface CloudSigmaClient
          Provides synchronous access to CloudSigma.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.cloudwatch

Classes in org.jclouds.cloudwatch with annotations of type Timeout
 interface CloudWatchClient
          Provides access to Amazon CloudWatch via the Query API


Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.deltacloud

Classes in org.jclouds.deltacloud with annotations of type Timeout
 interface DeltacloudClient
          Provides synchronous access to deltacloud.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.ec2

Classes in org.jclouds.ec2 with annotations of type Timeout
 interface EC2Client
          Provides synchronous access to EC2 services.

Uses of Timeout in

Classes in with annotations of type Timeout
 interface AMIClient
          Provides access to EC2 via their REST API.
 interface AvailabilityZoneAndRegionClient
          Provides EC2 Availability Zones and Regions services for EC2.
 interface ElasticBlockStoreClient
          Provides access to EC2 Elastic Block Store services.
 interface ElasticIPAddressClient
          Provides access to EC2 via their REST API.
 interface InstanceClient
          Provides access to EC2 via their REST API.
 interface KeyPairClient
          Provides access to EC2 via their REST API.
 interface SecurityGroupClient
          Provides access to EC2 via their REST API.
 interface WindowsClient
          Provides windows services for EC2.

Methods in with annotations of type Timeout
 Set<? extends Image> AMIClient.describeImagesInRegion(String region, DescribeImagesOptions... options)
          Returns information about AMIs, AKIs, and ARIs.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.elasticstack

Classes in org.jclouds.elasticstack with annotations of type Timeout
 interface ElasticStackClient
          Provides synchronous access to elasticstack.

Methods in org.jclouds.elasticstack with annotations of type Timeout
 ServerInfo ElasticStackClient.createAndStartServer(Server server)
          create and start a new server
 DriveInfo ElasticStackClient.createDrive(Drive createDrive)
          create a new drive
 void ElasticStackClient.startServer(String uuid)
          Start a server

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.filesystem

Classes in org.jclouds.filesystem with annotations of type Timeout
 interface FilesystemBlobStore

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.gogrid

Classes in org.jclouds.gogrid with annotations of type Timeout
 interface GoGridClient

Uses of Timeout in

Classes in with annotations of type Timeout
 interface GridImageClient
          Manages the server images
 interface GridIpClient
 interface GridJobClient
          Manages the customer's jobs.
 interface GridLoadBalancerClient
 interface GridServerClient
          Provides synchronous access to GoGrid.

Methods in with annotations of type Timeout
 Set<Job> GridJobClient.getJobList(GetJobListOptions... options)
          Returns all jobs found.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.openstack.nova

Classes in org.jclouds.openstack.nova with annotations of type Timeout
 interface NovaClient
          Provides access to OpenStack Nova via their REST API.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.openstack.swift

Classes in org.jclouds.openstack.swift with annotations of type Timeout
 interface CommonSwiftClient
          Common features between OpenStack Swift and CloudFiles
 interface SwiftClient
          Functionality that's in Swift, and not in CloudFiles.

Methods in org.jclouds.openstack.swift with annotations of type Timeout
 SwiftObject CommonSwiftClient.getObject(String container, String name, GetOptions... options)
 String CommonSwiftClient.putObject(String container, SwiftObject object)

Uses of Timeout in

Classes in with annotations of type Timeout
 interface HttpClient
          Simple client

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.rimuhosting.miro

Classes in org.jclouds.rimuhosting.miro with annotations of type Timeout
 interface RimuHostingClient
          Provides synchronous access to RimuHosting.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.s3

Classes in org.jclouds.s3 with annotations of type Timeout
 interface S3Client
          Provides access to S3 via their REST API.

Methods in org.jclouds.s3 with annotations of type Timeout
 ObjectMetadata S3Client.copyObject(String sourceBucket, String sourceObject, String destinationBucket, String destinationObject, CopyObjectOptions... options)
          Copies one object to another bucket, retaining UserMetadata from the source.
 S3Object S3Client.getObject(String bucketName, String key, GetOptions... options)
          Retrieves the S3Object associated with the Key or KeyNotFoundException if not available;

To use GET, you must have READ access to the object.

 boolean S3Client.putBucketInRegion(String region, String bucketName, PutBucketOptions... options)
          Create and name your own bucket in which to store your objects.
 String S3Client.putObject(String bucketName, S3Object object, PutObjectOptions... options)
          Store data by creating or overwriting an object.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc

Classes in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc with annotations of type Timeout
 interface VPDCClient
          Provides synchronous access to VPDC.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc.features

Classes in org.jclouds.savvis.vpdc.features with annotations of type Timeout
 interface BrowsingClient
          Provides access to Symphony VPDC resources via their REST API.
 interface FirewallClient
          Provides access to Symphony VPDC resources via their REST API.
 interface ServiceManagementClient
          Provides access to Symphony VPDC resources via their REST API.
 interface VMClient
          Provides access to Symphony VPDC resources via their REST API.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.slicehost

Classes in org.jclouds.slicehost with annotations of type Timeout
 interface SlicehostClient
          Provides access to Slicehost via their REST API.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.softlayer

Classes in org.jclouds.softlayer with annotations of type Timeout
 interface SoftLayerClient
          Provides synchronous access to SoftLayer.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.softlayer.features

Classes in org.jclouds.softlayer.features with annotations of type Timeout
 interface AccountClient
          Provides synchronous access to Account.
 interface DatacenterClient
          Provides synchronous access to LocationDatacenter.
 interface ProductPackageClient
          Provides synchronous access to ProductPackage.
 interface VirtualGuestClient
          Provides synchronous access to VirtualGuest.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.trmk.ecloud

Classes in org.jclouds.trmk.ecloud with annotations of type Timeout
 interface TerremarkECloudClient
          Provides access to VCloud resources via their REST API.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.trmk.ecloud.features

Classes in org.jclouds.trmk.ecloud.features with annotations of type Timeout
 interface DataCenterOperationsClient
          Data Center Operations access to DataCenterOperations functionality in vCloud

There are times where knowing a data center is necessary to complete certain operations (i.e.

 interface TagOperationsClient
          Tag Based Operations


Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.trmk.vcloud_0_8

Classes in org.jclouds.trmk.vcloud_0_8 with annotations of type Timeout
 interface TerremarkVCloudClient
          Provides access to VCloud resources via their REST API.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.trmk.vcloudexpress

Classes in org.jclouds.trmk.vcloudexpress with annotations of type Timeout
 interface TerremarkVCloudExpressClient
          Provides access to VCloud resources via their REST API.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.vcloud

Classes in org.jclouds.vcloud with annotations of type Timeout
 interface VCloudClient
          Provides access to VCloud resources via their REST API.

Uses of Timeout in org.jclouds.vcloud.features

Classes in org.jclouds.vcloud.features with annotations of type Timeout
 interface CatalogClient
          Provides access to Catalog functionality in vCloud

 interface NetworkClient
          Provides access to Network functionality in vCloud

 interface OrgClient
          Provides access to Org functionality in vCloud

 interface TaskClient
          Provides access to Task functionality in vCloud

 interface VAppClient
          Provides access to VApp functionality in vCloud

 interface VAppTemplateClient
          Provides access to VApp Template functionality in vCloud

 interface VDCClient
          Provides access to VDC functionality in vCloud

 interface VmClient
          Provides access to VM functionality in vCloud


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