Package org.jclouds.ec2.binders

Class Summary
BindBundleIdsToIndexedFormParams Binds the String [] to form parameters named with BundleId.index
BindGroupIdsToIndexedFormParams Binds the String [] to query parameters named with GroupId.index
BindGroupNamesToIndexedFormParams Binds the String [] to query parameters named with GroupName.index
BindInstanceIdsToIndexedFormParams Binds the String [] to form parameters named with InstanceId.index
BindKeyNamesToIndexedFormParams Binds the String [] to query parameters named with KeyName.index
BindProductCodesToIndexedFormParams Binds the Iterable to form parameters named with ProductCode.index
BindPublicIpsToIndexedFormParams Binds the String [] to form parameters named with InstanceId.index
BindUserGroupsToIndexedFormParams Binds the Iterable to query parameters named with UserGroup.index
BindUserIdGroupPairToSourceSecurityGroupFormParams Binds the String [] to query parameters named with GroupName.index
BindUserIdsToIndexedFormParams Binds the Iterable to form parameters named with UserId.index
BindVolumeIdsToIndexedFormParams Binds the String [] to form parameters named with VolumeId.index
IfNotNullBindAvailabilityZoneToFormParam Binds the AvailabilityZone to a form parameter if set.

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